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Statement of Commitment (approved September 2023)

“People’s United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation. We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, family structure, every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and all other marginalized persons. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed. We further affirm the worth and value of every beloved child of God as gifted to contribute to the greater good of the community of faith, society, and the world. We will work diligently to raise awareness and share knowledge about diversity, equity, and inclusion as faithful United Methodists. This includes affirming the rights and privileges of the LGBTQIA+ community to marriage equality and ordination. Additionally, we celebrate and embrace the full inclusion of people with cognitive, physical, emotional, and developmental challenges, along with their caregivers. We acknowledge and understand that not everyone will fully agree with or affirm the biblical and theological declaration of God’s unconditional love and infinite grace for all people, but we commit to welcoming every child of God at People’s United Methodist Church.”

PODS (People's Outreach Development Studies)

One of our more joyful decisions in 2023 was to agree, almost unanimously (97%), to become a Reconciling Congregation. As part of this decision, we made the commitment to become more aware, informed, educated, and active in efforts for racial justice, LGBTQIA+ rights and engagement, Interfaith relationship building and partnership, and the full inclusion and celebration of those with cognitive, developmental, physical, and emotional disabilities.

      To fulfill this pledge and promise, we are launching a number of PODS (People’s Outreach Development Studies) in each of the four areas for 2024. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for a PODS (really, haven’t you always wondered what it would be like to be Pod People?) group in an area you are most interested in. Each PODS group will include 5–7 people and is autonomous and self-organizing. You will decide whether to meet in person or online, how often to meet, what to read/view/study/listen to; and you will choose a facilitator or to share the leadership. The only expectation of each PODS group is to share what they learn with the whole congregation.

      PowerPoint presentations and handouts that include resource lists of books, websites, movies, and documentaries that can be used in your PODS group are available below and in the Library. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet some new people, encounter some new thinking, set some new priorities, and feel equipped to make our community more kind, caring, respectful, inclusive, and just.

Reconciling Ministries PowerPoint Presentations (downloadable PPT)

Reconciling Ministries Handouts with Recommended Resources (PDF)

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