People’s United Methodist Church is a Christian community of faith open to all people. Every one of God's children are welcome at People's, and we celebrate the full diversity of the entire body of Christ. Our commitment is to journey together as we CONNECT with God and each other, GROW in our faith and understanding of God's will, and work collaboratively to LIVE in ways that bring peace and justice to our world.
Livestream and in-person Worship is at
9:00am on Sundays.
View livestreams and recordings on our YouTube channel. Click the button below to view.
Sunday school meets at 9:15am September-May.
People’s United Methodist Church Is a Sanctuary Church
The leadership of the People’s United Methodist Church, 103 N. Alpine Parkway, Oregon, Wisconsin, voted to declare itself a sanctuary church at its Servant Leadership Council meeting on January 21, 2025. This decision means that People’s UMC publicly declares its intention to provide refuge, resources, support, and protection of undocumented residents throughout the Oregon School District. We will stand in solidarity with those members of our community whose human rights are threatened by unethical and unbiblical actions. Our motivation is theological and moral rather than political. We will not provide refuge to anyone engaged in criminally violent or destructive activities, but will defend the rights of undocumented people who are productive, engaged, and active residents in the Oregon and surrounding communities. We acknowledge that in these changing times we are engaging in an act of civil disobedience that sides with justice over law, right over retribution, and common sense over condemnation. A 24-hour emergency hotline has been established (608-730-5095), and we will be working with local and state agencies to offer resources and protection. See a brief overview video here.