Adult Studies

If you are here, you may be wondering how to nurture a strong faith and a growing relationship with God and other people. So, where to start? At People’s United Methodist Church, the goal is to provide each person an avenue to grow in their faith and relationship with others.  Small groups are a way to explore in partnership with others what it means to be a follower of Jesus while forming relationships in a low-key environment. Read below for more information on upcoming studies and for a taste of what has been done recently.

Deep Dive! Adult Sunday School

The Going Deeper Team holds a weekly adult Sunday school class in the Fireside Room (10:15−11:00). We will go deeper into a wide variety of spiritual concepts, topics, and issues. Grab your coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water, and a pastry and come join in a fun and interesting discussion.

Below you will find links to many of the Deep Dive slide presentations, available for download. Some of these include copyrighted material, so please do not publish them elsewhere. Videos link to our YouTube channel.

People's Peace Talks: Peacemaking Podcast

As we look at ways to reach more people with more of the resources and programs of People’s United Methodist Church, we are excited to announce a new podcast: People’s Peace Talks. Dan and Barbara will host conversations with a number of peace and justice leaders in a variety of settings. Episodes and interviewees will include:

  • Bits and Peaces: general musings
  • A Peace of their Minds: interviews with ministry and community leaders such as:
  • Walter Brueggemann: Old Testament Scholar, Theologian, Author, Prophet
  • Liina-Ly Roos: UW professor and Estonian (and married to our own Justin Beatty)
  • Peter Block: Teacher, Author of Community, Stewardship, and Activating the Common Good
  • Peaceful Thoughts: biblical and theological explorations on peace
  • Peace Meal: resources and tools needed to make, build, and keep peace

Episodes will be hosted on Dan's blogsite: United Methodeviations.

Notifications will appear here as new episodes become available.

The purple button on our home page also links directly to the podcast site.

Oh, Grow Up! Maturing in the Christian Life

Below, you will find links to all of the sessions of the online vodcast study, Oh, Grow Up! Maturing in the Christian Life. This video study is available on YouTube and Facebook to make it easier for people to join in adult spiritual formation classes. 

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Session 5:

Session 6.1:

Session 6.2:

Session 7:

Session 8:

Session 9

Session Q&A

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments section of the videos. Enjoy! Below are links to PDFs of the slides used in the videos. You can download the PDFs and view or print them for reference.

Oh, Grow Up! 1-5 Handouts Oh, Grow Up! 6.1-2 Handouts Oh, Grow Up! 7-8 Handouts Oh, Grow Up! 9 + Q&A Handouts

"The Ways We Worship" Discussion Guide

This group discussion series has wrapped up, but in case you missed the final meeting, you can find the presentation slides from the session here.

  • What types of adult Bible study and growth groups are offered?

    In 2022, a year-long Mercy & Justice study series is being launched. Starting January 11 at 6:30 PM, a 6-session discussion of Isabel Wilkerson’s provocative study, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, will take place both in person in the Fireside Room at People’s UMC (as COVID rates allow) and by Zoom. Click here to go to the Zoom meeting.

    These small group discussions in 2022 will cover the topics of racial justice, restorative community, advocacy, engagement, and cultural transformation for all God’s people of all races, ethnicities, and social strata. 

    There is no need to sign up. Although reading the book will allow for maximum learning, there is no requirement to read the book in order to participate in the discussions. 

    Other studies or growth groups will take place throughout the year. To take a look at the church calendar of activities, go to the Calendar page.

    For more information, email or call (608) 835-3755.

  • What other types of growth and study groups do you offer?

    This is ever-evolving, and depends on the needs and desires of the congregation, and, of course, what is happening in the community and the world. Growth and Bible study groups may be led by the pastors or people in the church.

    Growth group topics in the recent and more distant past have included:

    • Christmas through the ages
    • Weekday Bible studies
    • Issues of race in the U.S. and in the white church
    • In-depth discussion of sermon series topics, such as "Fear of the Other."

    To take a look at the church calendar of activities, go to the Calendar page.

    For more information about current groups, contact the church office at or call (608) 835-3755.

  • Do you offer any social or service activities for adults?

    Volunteer service is a vital part of the People's UMC community. For more information on how to get involved within the church or with missions outside of the church, go to the Get Involved section of the website. You can also check out the Calendar page.

    Hugs & Stitches is a sewing group that meets every Tuesday beginning at 10:30am. 

  • Do you have any online spiritual resources for adults?

    There may be times when we don’t have time to be a part of a small group, but want to continue growing as a follower of Jesus. Below are some resources that may be helpful to use on your own, with your partner or household, or a group of friends.


    What is the Bible? by Rob Bell

    Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

    Faith after Doubt by Brian McLaren

    We Make the Road by Walking by Brian McLaren

    The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr

    Daily Devotionals

    Our Daily Bread


    The Upper Room


    The Bible for Normal People with Pete Enns

    Learning How to See

    Turning to the Mystics

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