People's Soup Loop

5:30-6:30 PM

March 9 through May 25

People’s United Methodist Church is launching a multigenerational outreach ministry called “Soup Loop.” Each Wednesday evening, hot homemade soup will be available to anyone in our community. Anyone and everyone is invited to come and pick up soup on your way home on Wednesday nights. Addressing food insecurity, as well as simply offering good, nourishing food to anyone who would like it, this is a way People’s is seeking to offer mercy and justice to all.

For those who are able, a free-will donation is appreciated to cover overhead costs.

If you would like to make soup, serve soup, donate fruit or bread, work with our kids, help clean up, or otherwise support this ministry, sign up at this link.

Questions? Contact Amanda Kuntzelman at

Soup-to-go containers, with a letter on each one, spell out People's Soup Loop
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